As part of our transition programme, our focus this year is the story of 'The Colour Monster'. This has been developed jointly by both early years and primary schools within the Knightswood Learning Community. Together we created a resource to support the transitions from nursery to primary school.
All staff will plan purposeful expereiences around the colour monster each week, the sheets will be provided within the 3-5 welcome area, on our twitter page @PikemanFLC and on SEESAW. When your child starts school they will engage in 'The Colour Monster Goes to School', this is an additional link from nursery to primary to ensure that our children's previous knowledge and learning is built upon and familiarity in learning and achievment reconnecting their previous learning.
Parents and Carers are involved in every step of the transitions from nursery to primary school. Parents will also be involved with partnership working and parental engagement with the transition programme from home link learning to school inductino days. Every child will have the opportunity to visit their school during these transition time.
We have recorded 'The Colour Monster' in our home languages and these are available below:-
21 Archerhill Road,Glasgow,G13 3NJPhone: 0141 954 2971 or 0141 950 6591Email: