Medical and Health Care It is very important that full details of your child’s medical history are provided when completing admission forms. This ensures staff are appropriately prepared. If your child becomes ill or has an accident while attending the nursery, every attempt will be made to inform you. If the illness or accident is of a serious nature, your child will be taken to the nearest hospital/accident department (Queen Elizabeth University Hospital) and you will be contacted and advised to join your child at hospital. Children who are obviously unwell should be kept at home where they will be more comfortable. Should a child require medication this should, whenever possible, be administered by the parent, but in exceptional circumstances arrangements may be made for medication to be administered by staff after the first dose has been given by parent/carer. Parents will be asked to complete a Parental Request Form-Administration of Medicines.
Dental Care Pikeman nursery is part of the ‘Child Smile’ programme which encourages and supports the development of good dental habits.
Emergency Contacts In order to ensure the safety of your child, you will be required to provide the names, addresses and telephone numbers of two responsible persons who may be contacted in the event of an emergency. If for any reason the contact persons have to be changed, you must inform the management team immediately. It is the responsibility of the parent/carer to ensure that a responsible adult takes the child to and from nursery. Management must be informed of any changes in agreed arrangements. Information in Emergencies We make every effort to maintain a full educational service, but on some occasions, circumstances arise which lead to disruption. Establishments may be affected by, for example, severe weather, and temporary disruption of transport, power failures or difficulties of fuel supply. In such cases we shall do all we can to let you know about the details of closure or re-opening. We shall keep you informed by using letters, notices in local shops and community centres, announcements in the press and on local radio. Also see Glasgow City Council’s Twitter page
Mobile Phones In the interests of Child Protection we insist that no mobile phones are used inside the Nursery unless agreed by a member of staff.
Parking No Parking at any time outside the nursery on the zigzag lines or in the driveway of the nursery. If you do so you are putting lives in danger and clear access is required at all times in both areas. The driveway is used every day by Glasgow City Council maintenance vehicles, lunch deliveries and emergency vehicles. Please adhere to parking restriction at all times.
No Smoking Policy A ‘no smoking’ policy operates in all areas of the school.
Dealing with Racial Harassment The Race Relations Act of 1976 makes it unlawful to discriminate against someone because of his/her colour, race, and nationality, ethnic or national background. The Act makes it the duty of Glasgow City Council to eliminate unlawful racial discrimination. In 1999 the guidelines, ‘Dealing with Racial Harassment’ were issued to assist all teaching staff in dealing with such incidents. The adoption of an anti-racist approach should be seen as one part of the continuing attempt to improve the quality of education. Glasgow City Council recognises that support from the home is essential if these aims are to be achieved. Every child in Glasgow has the right to be happy and secure at establishment.
Bullying Bullying behaviour will not be tolerated with Glasgow City Council’s education establishments. All children in Glasgow’s education establishments have an entitlement “to work (and play) in a learning environment in which they feel valued, respected and safe and are free from all forms of abuse, bullying or discrimination”.(A Standard for Pastoral Care in Glasgow establishments). In 2009, Glasgow City Council published its revised Anti-Bullying Policy, incorporating the requirement to record and report all discriminatory behaviour with the education establishments. All establishments are required to review their policy in light of this. Parents and carers have a significant role to play in helping to address this problem. For this reason any anti-bullying strategy will must stress the importance of partnership with the parents and carers of their children.
Incidents of Drugs Misuse Involving Adults Please note the following Council Guidelines are issued to all staff to enable them to manage incidents of drugs misuse involving adults. ‘If staff are not confident that an adult is able to provide appropriate care and supervision of a child or young person because they are under the influence of drugs or alcohol, they should attempt to contact and alternative carer before contacting social work, and, if necessary, the police. If there are concerns about the safety of a child, staff should attempt to persuade the adult not to leave with the child until appropriate help arrives. If the adult insists on leaving with the child, staff should not attempt to restrain them but immediately inform social work and the police.’
Equal Opportunities and Social Inclusion The school promotes children’s awareness of self and develops their self-esteem by valuing and respecting their individuality and culture. We respect everybody who enters the school and we treat them with dignity
21 Archerhill Road,Glasgow,G13 3NJPhone: 0141 954 2971 or 0141 950 6591Email: