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Register of Applications

Children’s names will be accepted for the register of applications from age 2 for the 3-5 room, age 1 for the 2-3 room and from birth for the 0-2 room. Parents seeking a nursery place for their child are welcome to visit us at a pre-arranged time. Let us know if your circumstances change and we will update your information. When a place for your child becomes available, you will be contacted to discuss arrangements for admission.

When registering an application, please bring your child, along with the following information:

  • Child’s Birth Certificate (compulsory)
  • Current Council Tax Letter (compulsory)
  • Confirmation of Benefits (if applicable)
  • Working Tax Credit Confirmation (if applicable)
  • Confirmation of Employment (if applying for extended hours)
  • Confirmation of participation in further education (if applying for extended hours)


All children are admitted to Glasgow City Council nurseries in accordance with Glasgow City Council’s Admissions Charging Policy for Early Years. Once the nursery of your choice has received your application, this will be taken to our admissions panel which meets once a term. Subject to availability, you will receive an outcome letter with their decision. Applications can be submitted at any time in the year and will be considered at our termly NW2 admissions panel. The local area admissions panel considers all applications received across the area and allocates places in line with the priorities in the Council’s nursery admissions policy. All placements are allocated by contract through the Local Area Admissions Panel on behalf of Glasgow City Council and are based on the needs of the child and their family. The panel consists of representatives from:

Pikeman Family Learning Centre
Whiteinch Nursery School
Yokerburn Nursery
Knightswood Early Years Centre
Rowena Nursery School
Health Visitor
Elizabeth Kerr, Area Service Manager