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Our Vision, Values and Aims

Our vision is to provide a welcoming, caring environment for all children, parents and carers, where children develop confidence, feel motivated and enjoy learning in a challenging, exciting and fun way.

Our Values reflect the principles of the National Care Standards which promote dignity, respect and compassion, to enhance wellbeing for all service users within an inclusive environment.

Our Aims

· To improve outcomes for all children and their families.

· To involve parents/carers in their children’s learning.

· To ensure a safe and well-resourced environment both indoors and out.

· To deliver consistently high quality teaching and learning, within a well-planned, broad curriculum.

· To provide well-timed and skilled interventions to promote children’s creativity and extend thinking.

· To raise attainment and achievement of all learners.

· To promote strong nurturing attachments for children in our care.