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Transitions are important in children’s lives. Changes in routine are viewed as a period of transition. This can be an easy, or difficult time depending on the individual child, or the intensity of the transition. Familiar transitions in your child’s life might be: moving from play to tidy-up routines/going to bed/getting up/coming to nursery/leaving the park etc.

At Pikeman Nursery have a settling programme that is based on the needs of your child and that supports them through the transition of coming from their familiar home environment to settle in their new nursery. We also have transition programmes in place for children transferring from one playroom to another room and when leaving nursery and moving on to school. Enhanced transition programmes are put designed to assist children who require additional support.

Transfer to Primary School 

Children normally go to Primary School between four and a half and five years of age. Information on registration and enrolment procedures for Primary School will be given in the local press early in the calendar year.  Please note that children must be registered with their local school. For more information go to this link.