Any person who has any concerns or complaints about any aspect of the nursery service should talk to the Head of Centre.
You may wish to register a comment in the Nursery’s Suggestion Box which is available in the reception area.
If the Head of Centre does not resolve the issue to your satisfaction, you can contact Customer Liaison Unit who will acknowledge receipt of your complaint within 5 working days; fully investigate your complaint; give a full written response within a further 10 working days, unless another timescale has been agreed:
Customer Liaison Unit
Education Services
Glasgow City Council
40 John Street
Glasgow, G1 1JL
El: 0141 287 5384 / E-mail:
If the issue is still not resolved to your satisfaction you may wish to contact:
Care Inspectorate
4th Floor No 1 Smithhills Street Paisley PA1 1EB
Tel: 0845 600 9527
21 Archerhill Road,Glasgow,G13 3NJPhone: 0141 954 2971 or 0141 950 6591Email: