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Additional Support Needs/Accessibility Strategy

Additional Support Needs/Accessibility Strategy

The establishment has a duty to ensure all children have equal access to resources and learning opportunities. Planned activities, including minor changes to the physical environment will be adapted when required to ensure all children experience a full curriculum. Additionally, the nursery will ensure parents and carers have equal entitlement to meet/discuss information about their child either within the building or at a more appropriate location, by telephone, by facilitating an interpreter or other means appropriate to the needs of families.

Parents who wish to discuss any additional support need in respect of their child should initially discuss this with their child’s keyworker. A member of the management team will then discuss this with you, and with your consent, get in touch with the appropriate agency to further support your child. At this stage the nursery will complete a GIRFEC (Getting it Right for Every Child) Assessment Plan.


stands for ‘Getting It Right for Every Child’. The Scottish Government document was formulated as a result of The Children and Young People Act (Scotland) 2014, and is intended to inform those who help children, young people, their parents or carers, can get what they need from birth to 18yrs (or beyond if still in school).

The vast majority of Scotland’s children and young people get the love and support they need from within their families and their wider, local communities. But even the most loving and caring families can sometimes need extra support. The GIRFEC approach aims to make it as easy as possible for any child or young person (and their parents) to get that help or support if they need it.

The Named Person

To provide that support when needed, every child in Scotland has a named individual, the Named Person, as a single point of contact. This Named Person has a responsibility to provide help and support when asked and can draw together other services if needed, co-ordinating help for the child or parents.   Please do not hesitate to contact your child’s Named Person at any time.

The Named Person for all children from birth till age five, when they start primary school, is the Health Visitor.

 For more information follow the link.

Education (additional support for learning) (Scotland) Act 2009 states:

GCC Policy – Glasgow City Council has a duty, as outlined in the Standards in Scotland’s Schools 2000 Act, to ensure that your child achieves their potential.  Glasgow’s Education Services is committed to the inclusion of all children and young people with additional support needs, where possible, within mainstream schools.  This is in accordance with the statutory requirement in the 2000 Act. 

It is also part of Glasgow’s policy to maintain a range of special educational establishments.  This recognises the key role to be played by specialist provisions in addressing severe low incidence disabilities.  The authority recognises that there are a wide range of factors, which may act as a barrier to your child’s learning.  We are committed to working closely with parents and carers to ensure that you are fully involved in overcoming barriers to learning.  Additional support needs may be linked to a learning difficulty or disability but could also apply to a child or young person suffering from bereavement who requires pastoral support, a more able child/young person or those with a particular talent, which needs to be fully developed.  The policy requires all establishments to provide an environment where children and young people with additional support needs are actively encouraged to be effective learners and benefit from their school education.

Any parent/carer seeking further advice regarding this policy should contact the Headteacher in the first instance.

Further information relating to Additional Support Needs is also available on the Glasgow City Council website.