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Children’s clothing should be appropriate for the learning environment e.g.

  • Clothing allows a child to move comfortably and participate in learning and play experiences.
  • Shoes fit securely and allow a child to play, climb, and engage safely in indoor/outdoor activities.

Please note: We would ask that children do not wear, or display the following items of clothing or jewellery which may cause offence or harm.

  • football clothing.
  •  anti-religious symbolism or political slogans.
  • Neck chains, earring’s, or items that can become caught on apparatus such as climbing frames or fences causing harm to themselves or others
  • Advertising for alcohol or tobacco

Glasgow City Council is concerned at the level of claims being received regarding the loss of children and young people’s clothing and/or personal belongings. 

Insurance (public liability)

Parents/Carers are asked to assist in this area by ensuring that valuable items and unnecessarily expensive items of clothing are avoided.  Parents/Carers should note that the authority does not carry insurance to cover the loss of such items and any claims submitted are likely to be met only where the authority can be shown to have been negligent.

Please put names on all items left in the cloakroom area.

Play Clothes

We want your child to feel comfortable and confident as active participants in a broad range of learning contexts.  While suitable aprons are provided e.g. during painting or during water play, or during outdoor activities, accidents can still happen and clothing can sometimes suffer as a result. It is therefore best to avoid expensive items clothing or clothing you are concerned about. 

Outdoor activities are part of the curriculum, so please make sure your child has suitable outdoor clothing, e.g. jumper/cardigan, hats, scarves and wellies, to suit the weather/time of year.