Medical and Health Care
It is very important that full details of your child’s medical history are provided when completing admission forms. This ensures staff are appropriately prepared.
If your child becomes ill or has an accident while attending the nursery, every attempt will be made to inform you. If the illness or accident is of a serious nature, your child will be taken to the nearest hospital/accident department (Queen Elizabeth University Hospital) and you will be contacted and advised to join your child at hospital. Children who are obviously unwell should be kept at home where they will be more comfortable. Should a child require medication this should, whenever
possible, be administered by the parent, but in exceptional circumstances arrangements may be made for medication to be administered by staff after the first dose has been given by parent/carer. Parents will be asked to complete a Parental Request Form-Administration of Medicines.
Dental Care
Pikeman nursery is part of the ‘Child Smile’ programme which encourages and supports the development of good dental habits