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Assessment and Reporting

Children’s development is supported throughout the year within stage appropriate play/learning contexts where staff assess children’s progress to ensure challenge matches individual interests, needs and skills. Staff will use a range of everyday evidence to gather information about children’s learning. These could include:

  • Observing children at play
  • Recording their comments, stories and interests
  • Collecting samples of children’s drawings, writing and art work
  • Taking photographs
  • Assessing specific skills e.g., in literacy and numeracy
  • Collaborating with other professionals e.g. Speech and Language Therapists. 

Children are provided with opportunities to talk about and evaluate their own work and are encouraged to participate in planning their learning for progress and development. Senior staff monitor planning and development strategies.

Children’s Progress Meetings

Parents meetings are arranged as appropriate for individual children. Meetings are generally arranged twice per year, usually between November/ January depending on your child’s start date. This meeting will provide an opportunity for parents/carers and keyworkers to discuss how a child has settled into nursery life. A second progress meeting will follow, usually in May if your child is Term Time, or this may be arranged over the summer period if your child attends on a 52week basis. Written reports are normally issued at second progress meeting.